7 ways to increase testosterone levels naturally! (re-Post from ‘mouthsofmums.com.au’)

Testosterone isn’t just the stuff that pumped up body builders and gym junkies are full of. ALL of us (even Women) need a healthy amount of Testosterone for our body to function optimally.

Of course, Men do require a lot more than women. The disturbing fact is that more than half of the Male population do not produce enough of this essential chemical. This affects everything from your health, your confidence, and your ability to perform not just in the bedroom, but in basic day-to-day living.

I came across the article below from the Mouths of Mums website. It’s written by Michelle Chevalley Hedge, a.k.a the ‘modern day nutritionist’, and keeping with the Core Health Dynamics philosophy of ‘keep it simple’, does a great job of listing a few basic lifestyle changes you can make to ensure your Testosterone is enabling you to fire on all cylinders!

Enjoy, and go visit Michelle’s website at http://www.ahealthyview.com.au!

Trouble sleeping. Reduced sexual desires. Increased body fat. Lack of energy.

Do any of these sound like you?

Recent studies suggest that many of us suffer from low testosterone levels, so what can we do about this?

Start here with 7 easy ways to increase your testosterone levels naturally:

  1. Say good-bye to sugar. Sugar intake results in high doses of insulin released in your body and insulin is involved in decreasing this mighty hormone. Testosterone previously thought of as a ‘male’ hormone is now known in the medical community to influence both men and women with weight loss, increased concentration, energy, mood and libido.
  2. Step away from toxins. Chemical toxins can disrupt your body’s ability to control its hormone production and function.  Common disruptors include BPA (often found in food that has been reheated and stored in plastic materials), phthalates (often called ‘plasticizers’) and parabens and triclosan.
  3. Zinc up.  Zinc is a key player in testosterone production and research has shown that supplementing your diet for as little as six weeks can increase levels of testosterone. Real food is your best source of zinc including protein rich foods like meat and fish, beans, yogurt, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and oats.
  4. Take a sunshine break at lunch. Vitamin D, a steroid hormone, is essential for testosterone. Healthy sun exposure is the best way for your body to absorb Vitamin D. You can also enjoy wild caught salmon, sardines, shitake mushrooms and eggs – all are rich in Vitamin D!
  5. Learn the fat facts.  Research shows that a diet with less than 40% of energy as fat leads to a decrease in testosterone levels.  Some excellent choices of saturated and unsaturated fats are avocados, grass fed meat, raw nuts, olives and olive oil, coconut and coconut oil, organic milk and eggs.
  6. Love a glass of Red. Resveratrol, the natural pigment found in red wine and grapes, is the subject of much excitement.  Studies show it switches on an anti-aging gene SIRT1, improving blood sugar and possibly increasing testosterone levels.
  7. Sleep more, Stress less. The Endocrinology Society concludes low levels of testosterone are associated with poor sleep patterns. Poor sleep affects your stress levels and when your body is under a lot of stress, it releases high levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and this actually acts to block the effects of testosterone.

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